I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
You can use this resource to present in an assembly (10-15 mins) or as a standalone lesson as I have included worksheets.
It is editable to suit learning abilities of your pupils. Remember to ‘Save As’, give a new name to the Presentation before editing.
You can change the date of Mother’s Day as it changes each year.
• Assembly/Lesson Notes
• 19 Slides – PowerPoint Presentation
• Mother’s Day card to colour in and add additional designs
• Worksheet 1 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what their mums do for them.
• Worksheet 2 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what they will do on Mother’s Day to make it special
• Worksheet 3 – Pupils complete a cloze activity.
Please see Assembly Notes – There is pupil interaction.
Meaning of Mother’s Day
Traditional Simnel Cake now linked to Easter
History of Mother’s Day and the ‘Mother’ Church
Children think about how they can make their mums feel special on the day
When USA and Mexico celebrate their Mother’s Day
Geography link – You could ask pupils to locate USA, Canada, Australia, UK and Mexico on the map as they are all on different continents.
Simple Ready-made card This is for some pupils who are reluctant to design a card. See preview pane.
Print off the sheet onto card or good quality paper.
Pupils can decorate and colour in and add their name at the bottom.
Then fold along the line to look like a card.
Second sheet with the heart should be printed on normal paper.
Tell pupils to decorate the sheet with the large heart on and then cut out to stick onto the front of the card.
3 Optional Worksheets to use after assembly or lesson.
Worksheet 1 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what their mums or foster mum or gran do for them.
Worksheet 2 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what they will do to make Mother’s Day special. For example, he/she could draw themselves giving mum a tray with breakfast in bed and then write a sentence correctly punctuated.
Additional Worksheet 3 – This worksheet is in two parts.
There is a gap-filling activity with the words in the word bank.
The second part is finding which day of the week is missing and then writing it.
File Type: Editable PowerPoint and Word docs, also in PDF format .
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All About Me booklet.
Ideal for Year 1/2, ESL, EFL and EAL students.
Teacher’s Notes included.
Use it during the first week back at school and find out about the children you’ll be teaching and children can find out about each other’s family and interests.
The front page of the booklet, which is editable, comes in 7 border colours: plain white, blue, red, yellow, purple, green and grey.
On the front page is a doodle box for children to doodle away and make their cover unique.
The rest of the pages are for children to:
do a self portrait
write their age
write who they live with
draw the people they live with
write three favourite things they like to do
write and draw their favourite animal, TV show, colour and food
A page about ‘More about me’ - children write a special day they like to celebrate, a place to visit, favourite subjects and what they want to be when they grow up.
Last two pages are differentiated - Children might want to share some news, perhaps what they did during the summer or half term break.
Hope you enjoy using the booklet.
This is an assembly presentation on the topic of Guy Fawkes and bonfire night celebrated on 5 November in the UK.
The presentation can also be used as part of a lesson as there are 42 slides with optional follow-up activities.
Depending on how long your assembly is, you can choose what to include in as the presentation is editable.
It is divided into four sections:
• Celebrating with fireworks
• Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
• How we celebrate today and fireworks code
• Ending assembly with our freedom to practise our own religion and a prayer.
You can begin your assembly from Slide 11 which covers the gunpowder plot and why 5th November is a special day.
The presentation contains a glossary and the list of conspirators.
The follow-up activities relate to what they have learnt in assembly or if using as a lesson, to consolidate their learning.
Teacher Notes (4 pages) - Slides are referred to in the teacher notes.
4 Worksheets:
Worksheet 1 : Children draw and write simple sentences relating the five senses they use during a fireworks display. An example of this is on Slide 33.
Worksheet 2: Children write and draw four things they have learnt about the Gunpowder Plot.
Worksheet 3: This is a Guy Fawkes rhyme activity - using the well-known rhyme Remember, Remember, the fifth of November, children answer some questions on the rhyme, there is phonic and word work and children are asked to write in their own words ‘Why should 5th November never be forgot?’ The more able children may be able to complete this and the less able can discuss it.
Wordsearch with solution
Please see preview pane for worksheets and presentation slides included.
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This resource comprises 5 worksheets on the water cycle and a missing jigsaw activity.
The worksheets are also on PowerPoint and PDF format.
These are additional worksheets you can give out during the lesson, use as assessment on the water cycle or as homework.
Two worksheets require students to write about the water cycle in their own words.
Three worksheets entail cut and paste activities. The simpler activities are cutting out the word strips and glue them onto the correct blank space to show the water cycle process.
The other cut and paste activity requires students to write the title in their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. Then they write about each word, cut out the strip and glue it into their workbooks. Some students may only be able to complete 4 strips. Let them choose a word to write about.
Once the students have written something about each word, they can draw a picture for each strip.
There is a jigsaw puzzle to complete. It has 4 pieces missing with which students complete the puzzle picture of the water cycle. When this is completed, student cut out and stick the labels into the correct spaces on the completed puzzle. A finished puzzle is included to how the puzzle should look. NB: The picture was drawn on the computer and coloured in by hand.
Missing Jigsaw Puzzle pieces (b/w) – Print off the page with just one puzzle piece in place. Students complete the whole puzzle by cutting out the rest of the puzzles (8 pieces) and sticking them in place to complete the water cycle picture. Then as above, cut out the words and glue beneath the correct picture, e.g. precipitation would go beneath the rain cloud.
Students can then colour in.
Hope you enjoy using these resources.
This science resource covers half a term’s work.
<strong>Aimed at: Keystage 1 </strong>
<strong>Seven flexible detailed lesson plans with worksheets and activities. </strong>
The only preparation is gathering the resources for the practical experiments.
All the PowerPoint Presentations support whole class and group teaching. You can even print off a relevant slide and use as a worksheet.
Lesson 1: To know different materials have different properties.
Lesson 2: Identifying commons materials - observational drawing and labelling properties.
Lesson 3: To know a range of materials used in a variety of ways.
Lesson 4: Different objects can be made from the same material.
Lesson 5: Testing which material is waterproof for a raincoat.
Lesson 6: Predicting and testing which material is magnetic.
Lesson 7: Predicting and testing which metal is magnetic and why.
43 Flash cards to use as teaching aid and for word wall - editable in word and also pdf format with blank cards
Two word searches with solutions.
File Type: PowerPoint and Word Format
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This resource now includes new worksheets and updated presentations. This science unit on plants and flowering plants and life cycle of a bean plant and sunflower comprises 6 lessons. There are 6 PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, and differentiated worksheets.
Teachers Notes (2 pages)
• Lesson 1 PowerPoint re: Flowers (17 Slides) with whole class activities.
• Lesson 2 PowerPoint re: Bean Plant (14 Slides) with whole class activities.
• Lesson 3 PowerPoint re: Fruit and their Seeds (10 Slides) with whole class activities.
• Lesson 4 PowerPoint re: Practical lesson on planting a bean to grow a bean plant (6 Slides)
• Lesson 5 PowerPoint re: Life Cycle of a Sunflower (12 Slides) with whole class activity.
• Lesson 6 PowerPoint re: Seed Germination (11 Slides) with whole class activity.
• 6 Flexible lesson plans outlining learning objectives, and main activities. PowerPoint slides are referred to in each lesson plan.
• Differentiated Worksheets for each lesson
Lesson 1: Looking at different plants that flower and understand that grass and trees are plants. There is a flower hunt activity and a practical activity of different kinds of seeds.
Two activities in Lesson 1
- Going on a Flower Hunt.
- My Seeds Sheet activity - Students look at 4 types of seeds and draw the flowers of that seed - example sheet included.
Lesson 2: Know parts of a plant – Definition of words; Sequencing and labelling a bean plant and labelling a flower - Writing activity, cut and paste sequencing, ordering sentence strips in the correct sequence of a growing plant worksheets.
Lesson 3: Fruits and their seeds. Learn that many fruits contain seeds.
Observational activity (2 worksheets) - drawing fruits and their seeds.
Label an apple; choose correct words to label pictures; Match up whole fruits to their halves by drawing lines.
Lesson 4: Children grow their own bean plant - Activity based. Monitor growth. Ready-made recording worksheets; My Bean Plant Preparation write-up.
Lesson 5: Learn life cycle of a sunflower, and sequencing growth.
Worksheets: Labelling a sunflower; Cut/paste activities; Writing activity – looking at a life cycle illustration and describing it in words; Sequencing sentence strips.
Lesson on Seeds: Life cycle of a seed and some information on mushrooms which do not grow from seeds. Students also learn about different types of germination.
Worksheets: Recap Quick Question Sheet (Students can work individually or in pairs); Text on seed germination life cycle cloze activity – students read and fill in the gaps using words from the word box.
Please see US Version
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This comprehensive resource pack is on the theme of minibeasts, bugs and insects to help children count, add and to begin to write number sentences (calculation).
**It takes the learner from the early stages of counting through to writing and calculating number sentences. **
It introduces the + and = symbols.
78 Slides of Presentation on all the lessons - Includes whole class activities and plenaries. The some slides have animation where the children can count along with the numbers as they ‘float in’ above the minibeasts.
Also includes:
5 Lesson Plans:
All contain learning objectives and outcomes, starter activities and plenaries.
Lesson 1: Counting and cut/paste activity on counting.
Lesson 2: Adding groups of minibeasts to obtain a given total
Lesson 3: Introducing the plus and equals symbol – to add groups - children progress to writing number sentences.
Lesson 4: Children begin to calculate – number sentences using + and = symbols.
Lesson 5: Children work out numbers - Worksheets and extension worksheets.
Worksheet/activities on all the lessons.
Laminate digit cards and the minibeasts cards for practical activities.
The learning objectives are in the lesson plans.
You may be interested in:
All resources are printable/editable.
Updated to include US Size worksheets
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This resource is on the theme of minibeasts. The teachers notes explain how each set of loop cards are used and how they are different. It is similar to other loop cards or follow me games but counting minibeasts and revising addition and subtraction.
A fun way to practise reading numbers and counting and reviewing addition and subtraction through listening and speaking. Student learn to read ‘I have’ and ‘Who has?’ to start the game.
The cards can be used in small group sessions or whole class sessions.
**Preparation: Laminate, print off and cut round coloured borders onto card paper. **
This resource has now been updated to include 7 sets of loop cards.
The borders are different colours so that the sets are not mixed up.
Teachers Notes (3 pages)
Total Download: 66 pages (2 large cards on each page)
Includes US spelling - ladybird/ladybug
Please see preview pane.
Learning objective: Counting and reinforce number recognition.
To review addition and substraction
You may be interested in the free minibeast subtraction loop card:
Calendar for back to school you can display in early years/KS1 classrooms.
This resource pack contains a blank weather, date and year display poster to be completed each day using the changeable days, date, month, weather card displays.
The words in shadow show where the laminated day, date, month and year should go.
There is space for the weather conditions on the same blank display.
The preview window shows how the display will appear when you complete the blank display poster.
You can also change the weather button background if you don’t want plain white - click on, e.g. the ‘hot’ weather button, go to Drawing Tools then Shape Fill to choose your colour.
Print off displays onto card paper - enlarge to A3 if wish for a larger display.
I printed off onto coloured card paper.
This pack includes:
Teacher Notes
Title Displays
Days of the week
Months of the year
Ordinal dates from 1st to 31st.
Cardinal dates from 1 to 31
Years 2024 to 2028
Weather words and pictures
Seasons dial - laminate and cut round. Cut out the dial and insert with split pin in the centre - see preview window front page.
Laminate all the resources. Use Blu tac , double-sided sticky tape or velcro for the changeable words to be displayed on blank display board.
I have uploaded resources both in Word format (editable) and pdf. versions.
Updated January 2024 to include editable text sections in PowerPoint
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This bundle contains resources on the topic of minibeasts with an added bonus product:
Counting and Adding with PowerPoint presentations
Missing Numbers 0 -5 and 1 - 10 activities
I Have…Who Has? Loop card games
Dominoes cards
Word Searches
Spin and write minibeast activity
Minibeasts Bingo
Please see detailed description for each product:)
You may be interested in the Counting/Adding Minibeasts and Subtraction Bundle. Please click link for preview.
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This pack contains resources ideal for early years and Year1 and SEN. It teaches addition and subtraction from the beginning with counting, adding groups, and then using symbols to write number sentences. Students learn subtraction sums by counting back and then crossing out to show taking away. They then go on to using minus and equals sign to show taking away.
PowerPoint Presentations for each resource
Total of 10 Lesson Plans
Worksheets for each lesson
Extension worksheets
Cut and paste activities
Please see individual resources for full description.
You may be interested in the Minibeast Bundle which includes both these products.
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This growing bundle relates to pumpkin-themed products There are worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, I Spy 2D shapes, reading comprehensions and more.
Growing Content:
Pumpkins Emotions Feelings Worksheets
Pumpkins Emotions Patterns/Patterning Worksheets.
2D Shapes Pumpkins Worksheets Wordsearches Autumn Fall
‘I Spy’ Search and Find 2D Shapes Pumpkins
Pumpkins Reading Comprehension Worksheets Activities
Pumpkins Reading Comprehension Passages 2
Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Worksheets Presentations
Please see detailed descriptions for each product.
Benefits of purchasing bundles early:
Any additional products added after your purchase can be downloaded at no extra cost, which is one of the advantages of purchasing bundles.
You save money
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This growing bundle relates to Halloween resources such as maths, literacy and games. So far it contains:
Halloween Secret Codes - Addition and Subtraction
Halloween Counting and making 5, 10, 15 and 20
Telling Time To the Hour and Half Hour
2D Shapes Jack-o’-lanterns worksheets
Bingo games
Halloween games such as word searches, playing cards
Please see descriptions of individual products.
If you only want Halloween related maths resources, then there is a growing separate bundle for that. Please check descriptions.
In the long term, this is a money-saving bundle. If you buy early then any new products added can be downloaded at no extra cost.
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Halloween Bundle US version:
Minibeasts, bugs, insects bingo game. Your students can also play Snap! and matching pair cards. Increase vocabulary of minibeasts.
Great value Minibeasts resource which contains:
Teacher’s Notes
35 bingo cards labelled Card 1 to Card 35
30 different minibeasts call out cards
36 picture cards for a game of snap
36 picture cards with name labels which can also be used for snap
The pictures are photos of common invertebrates.
Preparation: Print onto card paper and laminate the bingo cards.
Laminate both sets of picture cards and cut out.
Play bingo as a whole class or children play in smaller groups.
Play ‘Snap!’
Matching card game - - Lay out, say, 10 sets of matching cards face down on the table - players take turns to turn over two cards. If two cards match, he or she keeps the cards. If the two cards do not match the cards are placed put back again. The player with the most matching cards is the winner.
Other uses: Create a minibeasts word wall - reprint the call-out cards and picture cards for a wall display.
Opportunities for children to sort minibeasts into categories, i.e. insects, arachnids, myriapods, crustaceans, coelenterates, echinoderms, molluscs and annelids.
Aim of the game(s) is to reinforce identification of minibeasts while having fun.
List of Minibeasts - ant aphid bee beetle butterfly caterpillar centipede cockroach crab cricket dragonfly earwig firefly fly grasshopper ladybird leech millipede mite mosquito moth octopus praying mantis silverfish slug snail spider wasp weevil woodlouse worm
Extra invertebrates on the picture cards: jellyfish, starfish, sea urchin, coral and lobster.
File Type: PDF and Word format bingo cards
Hope your students have lots of fun playing and learning the names of minibeasts.
This product relates to activities based on colours.
Aimed at: EYFS/Reception/Year 1/SEN groups.
Ideal to use in a carousel system - each table has a dedicated activity and the children can move round once they have had a go at an activity.
Teachers Notes on activities
-Whole page colour words surrounded by bubbles
-Whole page colour words for children to trace over the dashes
Colour word cards - upper case letters
Colour word cards - lower case letters
Selection of colour pictures with labels
Black and white pictures for children to colour in
Clipart buttons in a variety of colours
Colours : red, brown, blue, orange, black, green, grey, yellow, white, purple and pink.
<strong>• Activity 1</strong> – You can direct the children to use any colour media to fill in the colour words and the bubbles – paint, crayons, felt tips, pencils.
<strong>• Activity 2</strong> – Children join up the dashes to complete the letters and then colour in the word. They can draw things that are usually that colour.
<strong>• Activity 3</strong> – Use IT Paint Palette on computer to create a colourful picture or simply a rainbow. Extension: Ask the more able to copy type/write the colours they have used.
</strong>• Activity 4 – Colour sort.</strong> Children sort the buttons by colour and glue them in the correct circles.
<strong>• Activity 5: Hands-on activity:</strong> Alternatively, put out a selection of real buttons for children sort into colour groups onto the circles and they can say how they have grouped the buttons.
<strong>• Activity 6: Word cards (upper/lower case letters):</strong>
Lay out blank sugar paper or ordinary paper for children to glue on the colour card word, either upper or lower case, and then colour inside the letters.
<strong>Prep:</strong> Cut out a selection of different colour pictures for the children and get them to decide which colour pictures they should stick around the name of the card colour. See preview slide.
<strong>US Version</strong>
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Link to Classroom Visual Displays UK
This product relates to the water cycle topic.
<strong>It contains:</strong>
• Lesson Plan – 1 hour session
• PowerPoint Presentation (1) – 25 Slides
• PowerPoint Presentation (2) – 2 Slides - Meaning of appropriate vocabulary
• Optional Video link on The Water Cycle (1:47 mins)
• Worksheets
• Differentiated Cut and Paste Activities
• Word Search with Solution
• Flashcards (2 sets- colour and b/w) - 35 words in each set
The Lesson Plan includes learning objectives and outcomes and refers to slides in the PowerPoint Presentation. The Lesson Plan is editable and flexible as is the Presentation.
The Presentation contains optional video links to the water cycle and how snow is formed.
I have included a short preview of the resources together with worksheets and cut/paste activities.
The cut and paste activities are differentiated - children cut out the water cycle circles and glue them in the correct order using the arrows.
Children needing support: Order 5 water cycle circles with arrows.
Middle ability: Order 6/7 water cycle circles with arrows.
High ability: Can complete each of the blank circles to create a water cycle with arrows.
<strong>Additional worksheets:</strong>
Draw a water cycle diagram and explain in words
The Water Cycle Quick Quiz - 7 questions for children to answer on the topic
What Have I Learnt worksheet: Children write down 3 things they have learnt and shade in what of the emoji faces to describe how the lesson went for them by finishing one of the sentences.
Complete the Word Search. Extension: Write a sentence with each word relating to the water cycle.
The whole product is contained in a folder in a zip file.
Flashcard words
water cycle
ice crystals
dew point
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This product is on the topic of types of clouds.
• Lesson Plan – 1 hour session
• PowerPoint Presentation (1) – 30 Slides
• PowerPoint Presentation (2) – 6 Slides
• Optional Video link to The Science of Clouds (5:42 mins)
• Cloud Wheel Templates
• Worksheet - Latin Cloud Names/Various mini exercises
• Word Searches (x2) with Solutions
• 24 Flashcards (x2) Colour/b/w
The Lesson Plan includes learning objectives and outcomes and PowerPoint Slides numbers are referred to. The lesson starts off briefly reviewing the water cycle and then leads onto types of clouds and the sort of weather we may experience.
The PowerPoint Presentation explains how the clouds are formed, their features and there are photographs/pictures of the common type of clouds children may recognize in the sky. They even learn about how snow is formed and then falls as either snowflakes or sleet.
The Presentation a video link relating to clouds which children will enjoy watching. (5:42 mins long).
Presentation 2 - Provides helpful information for children to review water cycle vocabulary, meaning of cloud names and explains that cloud coverage is measured in oktas.
Differentiated Cloud Wheel Template: Children make a Cloud Wheel to be used in the last part of the lesson.
There is an example of a Cloud Wheel I made to show the children.
Two word searches
The worksheet contains 3 mini tasks.
Draw a line to match the Latin name to the English meaning.
Unscramble the name of the clouds and write them out.
Search for the 5 words in the mini word search.
24 Flashcards relating to clouds the weather in general:
cloud, fog, mist, cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, nimbus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, precipitation, altocumulus, altostratus, temperature, water droplets, ice crystals, rain, snow, hail, sleet, sunny, overcast.
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This is a cloud matching activity resource. A useful additional to your weather unit on types of clouds.
2 Sets of Photographs of Different Types of Clouds (Total of 20 photos)
10 Cloud Name Labels to match to photographs
2 Sets of Photographs with Answers
10 Cloud Description Task Cards
10 Cloud Description Task Cards with Answers
The clouds are:
4 photos to one page.
Print all photos onto card paper, laminate and cut out.
Print Cloud Card labels, laminate and cut out
Children match the blank photos with the correct cloud labels.
Reveal answers: Show the photographs with the name of the cloud already labelled.
<strong>Description Task Cards – Answers Included</strong>
You or the students can cut out these task cards and glue into workbooks.
Students read the description of the cloud and write the name of the cloud in the space provided.
Please see Preview Pane for sample of resources.
Total download: 22 pages
Thank you for your interest.
This is a minibeast science topic that can also be used in maths for presenting data in a block graph. Feel free to adapt worksheets.
Pictures of minibeasts obtained from the kidspuzzlesandgames website, pixabay public domain images and clipart.
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There is a Powerpoint Presentation to support whole class teaching on sikhism/sikh religion.
The topic relates to a sense of belonging.
1 Lesson plan.
Three worksheets - Worksheet 3 also includes a fact finding activity.
The worksheets can be adapted for own use.
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